This is an update I'm not sure I ever wanted to write despite how much I miss the east coast. Our family is in the process of making the journey to move back to the east coast after 10 years in Minnesota.
I will be in Minnesota each year and will reach out to any who ask to schedule a session during that visit. This year I will be back in August for a weekend which is currently booked.
Expecting to plan a similar trip next August in 2023 and hope to capture you so reach out if you are interseted to be on the wait list for this August 2022 at the Arboretum and/or next August in 2023 where I hope to schedule many sessions for the Class of 2024 (WHAT?!)!
If you would like recommendations for other photographers in the area, let me know what you are looking for priority wise and I have a short list I will happily share, in order of your needs.
All the best...always.